Labels:text | screenshot | font | number OCR: The October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake-Selected Photographs This CD-ROM contains 103 digitized color 35-mm images from Open-File Report 90-547 (Nakata and others, 1990). Our System Requirements: This CD-ROM was produced in accordance with the ISO 9660 photographic coverage reflects the time and resources available Level 2 standard and Apple Computer's hierarchical-file-system immediately after the event and is not intended to portray the full (HFS) standard. The data and text on this CD-ROM require either a extent of earthquake damage. This CD-ROM provides images for use by the interested public, multimedia producers, desktop UNIX workstation, Macintosh or compatible computer, or IBM or publishers, and the high-end printing industry. The digital images compatible personal computer, all equipped with a CD-ROM drive. are stored in the "photocd" folder and can be read across Macintosh, Windows, DOS, OS/2, SGI, and UNIX platforms which Macintosh applications that can read Kodak's Photo-CD (YCC) file format. · 68030 or higher processor (PowerPC recommended) · 8 megabytes RAM (16 MB recommended) Also included on this CD-ROM are Windows and Macintosh viewers and engines for keyword or geographic searches (Adobe · Apple System Software v. 7.1.2 or later (7.1.2 or later recom- mended) Acrobat Reader with Search). In addition to Photo CD (PCD) files, · 13-inch color monitor that can display 256 colors (16.7 million this CD-ROM contains an html front-end (index.html) with links to colors recommended) preview thumbnail and screen-resolution images in GIF and JPEG Windows formats, respectively. We have also provided an Adobe Acrobat · 80386 or higher processor (Pentium recommended) PDF version of the photographs in this report (dds-29.pdf; about · Microsoft Windows 95 or higher (Windows 98 or NT recom- 3072 x 2048 pixels). A "slideshow" of the photographs is also mended. Users of Windows 3.1 can open any file directly but available (slideshow.pdf; about 1024 x 768 pixels). Feel free to use any of these images but please cite the photographer and the U.S. many of the links will not work as they use 32-bit filenames Geological Survey. For the 10th anniversary of the Loma Prieta · 8 megabytes RAM (16 MB recommended) · VGA color monitor that can display 256 colors (PCI card that can earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey has produced a Fact Sheet display 16.7 million colors recommended) titled "Progress Toward a Safer Future Since the 1989 Loma Prieta All Platforms Earthquake" that describes advances in risk reduction in the last · Web-browsing software, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft decade. That four-page file is also included on this CD-ROM in Internet Explorer Acrobat PDF format (fs1510-99.pdf). Optional Software Getting Started: · Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher (3.01 and 4.0 included on this For those already familiar with HTML browsers, go directly to the disc for Macintosh and Windows) or other software that can file "index.html". On a Macintosh, double-click on the CD-ROM translate PDF files icon and double-click on the file "1_README.TXT". On a PC · Software that can read and print Photo CD (PCD) image-pac files, system with Windows, open Notepad or a word-processing such as Adobe Photoshop, EasyPhoto, or Photoworks Darkroom application, change to the CD-ROM device, and open the file "1_README.TXT". On UNIX platforms, change directories to References to commercial products do not imply endorsement by this CD-ROM and type "more 1_readme.txt." the U.S. Government. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMPACT ISBN 0-607-86640-3 BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary DISC HFS 06:00 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles G. Groat, Director DATA STORAGE 9 780607 866407